Sunday, January 25, 2009

Y is it so????????????

Hi folks;

I have got many number of Questions to ask u...its just to clarify my doubts...

1) Y is it that the mind go totally blank at times though u can hear& see everything?

There r times when nothing gets registered into one's mind though the other person keeps on talking n asks u ur opinion...know not y all those words just gets washed off before u could really understand what they meant..n at these times u just stare at the other person as though u r seeing them for the first time.....

2)Y is it that some people gets the boon of just wiping out all the hardships or even the persons n the relations that u used to have with them?

I personally feel that some people can just train their mind to believe in what they really want n just discard everything else that they feel r disastrous to them...

3) Y is it that u cant get into a decision when a conflict occurs between ur mind and heart?

whose decision should we give ears to when our mind n the heart wants two different things?

Can U plz clarify my doubts????????

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ray of Hope

A ray of hope dashed by her eyes.Life now has got new meanings,and has dawned out into new vistas .How long will it exist is the only question that worries her.

Those misty days have passed off from her life.Amidst the pitch of darkness she could now view a lantern lit within her reach...But the fear that whether that light would burn out before her hands reach there ,is haunting her..

Everytime her heart beats,she could hear a murmer within..What could it be?As the cool breeze pass by,it pats her and rejuvinate her mind with a message that is dear to her heart...

As the wise say,"The darkest hour of the day comes just before the dawn",she simply wish this to be the darkest hour of her life,so that with a dawn,her life would get opened to new vistas...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My diary

I know not where to start..many a time i sit down to scribble something but words escape my mind.I feel as though i got lost ..The journey of my life started 22 yrs back but its just 4 yrs back that i realized life isnt what one expects to be..

I always pride that my power is my pen..but i could never write a sentence ..Some people say im poetic but i could never write a poem..all these things are illusions to me,utter bewilderment is what i feel now gaping at the world not knowing what to do..

I read a lot ,but i get tuned in to the character of the play at some point..

I get dreams about them..

Some days before I happen to read a book on past life ,n the same day I dreamt about a man playing a harp ,but then that dream took its progress for three consecutive days..
I wonder what will be the end of this story..but Im sure I will be back soon to deal with my eccentric thoughts tomorrow..